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Teenage Human Body, Safer Sex, p. 103-109.
Kids Health 
a. Identify two signs of pregnancy (e.g., missed Making It on Your Own, Symptoms of Pregnancy, p. 10.
22. Knows and understands period, breast tenderness, morning sickness). PAYA, Module 5a, Unplanned Pregnancy, p. 32.
the symptoms of b. Explain where to get a pregnancy test. Ready, Set, Fly! Relationships and Sexuality #4.
pregnancy and the c. Identify two resources in the community that Teenage Human Body, Pregnant? p. 114.
resources available. provide counseling and pre-natal care. Kids Health, Sexual Health 
Kids Health 
Life Skills Guidebook 120
©2004 by Casey Family Programs.
Learning Goals Expectations Activities
a. Given a list of common safety words, read and explain Life Skills Activities for Children, Safety Words, p. 98-
23. Knows and each one s use. 100.
understands how b. Describe potentially dangerous situations and state Life Skills Activities for Children, Dangerous
to keep safe when possible unhealthy outcomes (e.g., strangers, guns). Situations, p. 194-195.
young. c. Explain and comply with rules intended to ensure Life Skills Activities for Children, Following Safety
safety (e.g., seatbelts, hitchhiking). Rules, p. 196-197.
d. If appropriate, designate a safe place to keep one s Life Skills Activities for Children, Keeping the Key, p.
house key. 200-201.
e. Describe appropriate rules for activities when parents Life Skills Activities for Children, Knowing the Rules,
aren t home. p. 202-203.
f. Explain ways to use unsupervised time at home wisely Life Skills Activities for Children, Using Time Wisely,
or helpfully. p. 204-205.
g. Create and state a back up plan for anticipating Life Skills Activities for Children, Having a Back Up
problems related to entering and staying in the house Plan, p. 206-207.
until parents arrive. Life Skills Activities for Children, After Dark, p. 258-
h. Explain how to stay safe after dark. 259.
i. Name two or more places you can contact to get help if Oops! Oops! p. 88-89.
you feel unsafe. Kids Health, Safety 
j. Tell what to say if someone tries to do something to http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/watch/index.html;
your body you don t want them to. http://www.kidshealth.org/teen/safety/
a. Explain and comply with rules intended to ensure It s Perfectly Normal, Talk About It: Sexual Abuse, C.
24. Knows and safety (e.g., seatbelts, hitchhiking). 25, p. 75-77.
understands how b. State appropriate rules for activities when parents aren t Life Skills Activities for Children, After Dark, p. 258-
to be safe when home. 259.
older. c. Explain how to stay safe after dark. Social Skills for Secondary, Problems or Unusual
d. Define sexual abuse. Situations, p. 168.
e. Tell what to say if someone tries to do something to Kids Health, Safety 
your body you don t want them to. http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/watch/index.html
f. Tell what sexual harassment is. http://www.kidshealth.org/teen/safety/
g. Tell who to talk to if you ve been sexually harassed or http://www.kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/
abused. Kids Health, Peer Pressure 
h. Tell what to do about Date Rape. http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/
i. Name two or more places you can contact to get help if
you feel unsafe
Life Skills Guidebook 121
©2004 by Casey Family Programs.
Learning Goals Expectations Activities
a. Describe use and maintenance of a smoke and I Can Do It! Staying Safe, p. 39- 45.
25. Knows and understands carbon monoxide detector and fire PAYA, Module 2, Safety Skills, p. 76-86.
the importance of home extinguisher. PAYA, Module 5, Safety Skills, p. 2.
safety. b. Explain three ways to prevent fires (e.g., don t PAYA, Module 5, Safety, p. 154-161.
leave lighted candles unattended, unplugging Ready, Set, Fly! Home Safety # 1.
electrical appliances). Ready, Set, Fly! Home Safety #2.
c. Describe an emergency evacuation route in Ready, Set, Fly! Home Safety #4.
case of fire. Teenage Human Body, Environmental Maintenance, Fires, p.
d. Explain two ways to prevent breaking and 49.
entering in one s home. Internet Safety, Etiquette for Kids 
e. Explain two ways to prepare for natural http://kidsinternet.about.com/cs/internetsafety1/
disasters (e.g., hurricanes, floods, tornados, Parent Soup 
earthquakes, national alerts, snow http://www.parentsoup.com
emergencies). The American Academy of Pediatrics 
f. Explain proper storage of hazardous http://www.aap.org/parents.html
household materials (e.g., cleaning materials, The Parent Center/Baby Center 
medicines, knives). http://www.babycenter.com/baby/babysafety/index
g. Explain three strategies for child proofing a
house (e.g., outlet plugs, cabinet locks, gates
on stairways).
h. Identify four items in a first aid kit/ household
emergency kit (e.g., band aids, disinfectant,
flash light, batteries).
i. Explain three ways to keep self safe on the
internet and telephone (e.g., don t give out
social security number, avoid giving personal
information on the phone or internet, change
passwords frequently).
j. Describe signs of possible household dangers
(e.g., smelling gas, flooding).
k. Describe how to prevent poisoning.
Life Skills Guidebook 122
©2004 by Casey Family Programs.
Learning Goals Expectations Activities
a. Describe two situations when it would be Creative Life Skills Activities, Activity 35, Who Do I Call? p.
26. Can select the necessary to call 911. 66.
appropriate resources to b. Match community resources to a variety of I Can Do It, Building a Support Network, p. 51-56.
use in emergency emergency situations (e.g., domestic dispute, Life Skills Activities for Children, Making Emergency Phone
situations. food poisoning, fire, broken water main). Calls, p. 38-39.
Making It on Your Own, Getting Help, p. 66.
Pocket Guide, Sources of Help, p. 66-68.
Pocket Guide Instructions, Sources of Help, p. 185-187.
Ready, Set, Fly! Community Resources #4.
a. Identify quality yet economical places to shop FUTURE/PATH, 68, 69, 70, 71, 90.
27. Can find community for food, clothing, and household items. Life Skills Activities for Children, Shopping Mall, p. 214-215.
services available. b. Identify nearest hospital or health clinic. Life Skills Activities for Children, Houses of Worship, p. 218-
c. State several stores which would be likely to 219.
be found at a mall. Life Skills Activities for Children, Buying Stamps, p. 244-245. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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