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off and then on causes sound to mute powered up.
again. completely (volume is at To fix permanently, replace the
absolute zero) on all inputs back-up battery  Linn part no:
MISS 011
Output of one or Probably constant Volume control DAC faulty Replace DAC  Linn part no:
both channels IC 003
dead on all inputs
When volume is Constant This is normal. The lowest See LK1 Gain Modification
set to minimum, volume setting of the LK1 is sheet (accessible via Linfo
the music is still NOT absolute zero. If Website - Product Information).
heard. absolute zero is required,
press Mute.
If the lowest volume is too
loud, a mod can be done to
reduce the gain of the LK1 by
Slight hum on May be intermittent A certain amount of noise is Compare noise levels to another
both channels of and/or vary in to be expected on the phono LK1 or another pre-amp phono
MM or MC input volume & intensity. inputs due to the massive stage  some low level hum is
gain level required there. normal and unavoidable and
cannot be eliminated.
Hum on both May be intermittent Earthing lead between arm & Ensure continuity of Ground
channels of MM LK1 casing is broken or not connection.
or MC input properly connected
Loud hum on one Probably Ground (black) wire between Repair the connection  re-solder
channel of MM or intermittent. phono socket and main or replace wire as necessary.
MC input Ensure firstly that board inside the LK1 is
the fault is not broken or not making good
caused by turntable contact.
or interconnect
leads etc.
Rule out Phono
hum faults above.
One channel of May be intermittent Signal (red) wire between Repair the connection  re-solder
MM or MC input Symptoms may phono socket and main or replace wire as necessary.
dead or distorted. vary board inside the LK1 is
Some crackling broken or not making good
may occur contact
Page12 Copyright © 1999 Linn Products Limited. All rights reserved.
20th August 1999 LK1 Service Manual
No output from All inputs Faulty:- Find & repair or replace faulty
one or both May be intermittent Power amp part. Do not assume LK1 or any
channels Speakers other part of system is faulty 
Interconnect leads check & fault find system.
Speaker cables See Introduction to Fault
Finding section (accessible via
Linfo Website - Product
Information) and also Service
Procedures section (also
accessible via Linfo Website -
Product Information) for tips on
how to fault find in a system.
No output from May be all inputs or Check that all input & output Find and fix the problem.
one or both possibly limited to leads are inserted in the See Introduction to Fault
channels one or two inputs. correct places Finding section (accessible via
May be intermittent Check that all input & output Linfo Website - Product
leads are pushed fully home. Information) and also Service
Check that the source Procedures section (also
selected on display accessible via Linfo Website -
corresponds with the source Product Information) for tips on
connected to the input. how to fault find in a system.
Check that the source is
powered up, is playing and is
working okay.
Tape (record) Output
Symptom Circumstances Possible Cause(s) Cure
Tape (record) Constant Tape deck faulty Repair/replace Tape deck.
output dead or 
no recordings
Tape (record) Constant Interconnect lead from LK1 Check, repair connections
output dead to tape deck is wrongly
Interconnect lead from LK1
to tape deck is faulty
Tape (record) Probably constant Switching IC(s) faulty. Either replace all the switching
output faulty. If the switches Each input has its own IC s listed  Linn part no: IC 001
Possible Cross- within the IC go switching IC, which switches for all IC s; or by carrying out
talk from one faulty, they usually Listen & Record for that some checks, you may be able to
record output to get jammed in the input. narrow the fault down to the faulty
others.  Closed position. If one input s IC fails it can IC(s) and replaced it/them only.
Possible loud This means that the affect the other inputs. If the symptom is cross-talk, then
thump when affected input will The IC s in question are U1  usually the faulty input will cross-
certain record be permanently U6 and they are configured talk to other inputs, but these
outputs are switched on and as follows: inputs do not cross-talk back to
switched. this causes cross- U1  Phono the faulty one.
talk. E.g. if AUX U2  Phono If the symptom is loud thump,
switching IC is U3  TP2 then usually the faulty input will
faulty and you are U4  TP1 be least affected by the fault.
trying to record U5  AUX
from TUN while a U6  TUN
source is playing on
AUX, one channel
of the CD may be
heard on the tape.
Page13 Copyright © 1999 Linn Products Limited. All rights reserved.
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