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no standby mac-refresh
Syntax Description seconds Number of seconds in the interval at which a packet is sent to refresh the
MAC cache. The maximum value is 255 seconds. The default is 10
Defaults 10 seconds
Command Modes Interface configuration
Command History Release Modification
12.0 This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines This command applies to HSRP running over FDDI only. Packets are sent every 10 seconds to refresh
the MAC cache on learning bridges or switches. By default, the MAC cache entries age out in 300
seconds (5 minutes).
All other routers participating in HSRP on the FDDI ring receive the refresh packets, although the
packets are intended only for the learning bridge or switch. Use this command to change the interval.
Set the interval to 0 if you want to prevent refresh packets (if you have FDDI but do not have a learning
bridge or switch).
Examples The following example changes the MAC refresh interval to 100 seconds. Therefore, a learning bridge
would have to miss three packets before the entry ages out.
standby mac-refresh 100
Network Protocols Command Reference, Part 1
IP Services Commands
standby priority, standby preempt
standby priority, standby preempt
To configure Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) priority, preemption, and preemption delay, use the
standby interface configuration command. To restore the default values, use the no form of this
standby [group-number] priority priority [preempt [delay delay]]
standby [group-number] [priority priority] preempt [delay delay]
no standby [group-number] priority priority [preempt [delay delay]]
no standby [group-number] [priority priority] preempt [delay delay]
Syntax Description group-number (Optional) Group number on the interface to which the other arguments
in this command apply.
priority priority (Optional) Priority value that prioritizes a potential Hot Standby router.
The range is 1 to 255, where 1 denotes the lowest priority and 255
denotes the highest priority. The default priority value is 100. The router
in the HSRP group with the highest priority value becomes the active
preempt (Optional) The router is configured to preempt, which means that when
the local router has a Hot Standby priority higher than the current active
router, the local router should attempt to assume control as the active
router. If preempt is not configured, the local router assumes control as
the active router only if it receives information indicating that there is
no router currently in the active state (acting as the designated router).
delay delay (Optional) Time in seconds. The delay argument causes the local router
to postpone taking over the active role for delay seconds since that router
was last restarted. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds (1 hour). The default
is 0 seconds (no delay).
Defaults group-number: 0
priority: 100
delay: 0 seconds; if the router wants to preempt, it will do so immediately.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Command History Release Modification
11.3 This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines When using this command, you must specify at least one keyword (priority or preempt), or you can
specify both.
Network Protocols Command Reference, Part 1
IP Services Commands
standby priority, standby preempt
When group number 0 is used, no group number is written to NVRAM, providing backward
The assigned priority is used to help select the active and standby routers. Assuming preemption is
enabled, the router with the highest priority becomes the designated active router. In case of ties, the
primary IP addresses are compared, and the higher IP address has priority.
Note that the device s priority can change dynamically if an interface is configured with the
standby track command and another interface on the router goes down.
When a router first comes up, it does not have a complete routing table. If it is configured to preempt,
it will become the active router, yet it is unable to provide adequate routing services. This problem is
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