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ball and puts it into the hat. The moment, however, that the hand is inside the hat, the red ball is
Magic with Balls and Eggs
left there and the white one is palmed in its place. "Please note just how matters stand", says the
performer addressing the audience. "Here in the fingers of my left hand are the two red balls,
while in the hat is the white ball. But if you will watch me closely, you will see, or rather you will
not see, that by my magic power and these long fingers of mine that were made on purpose, I stall
cause one of the red balls to change places with the white ball that is in the hat. See". With a little
motion of the hand the performer with the second finger of the left hand slips the solid red ball in-
to the shell, and to the audience it will seem as if the ball had suddenly and mysteriously disappea-
red. Then grasping in the air with his right hand, he allows the palmed ball to appear at the tips of
his fingers. This he places between the first and second fingers of the left hand.
Picking up the hat with the right hand, the thumb on top of the brim and the fingers below, he
tilts it over to show the red ball inside. At the same time the left hand is placed on the brim, as if to
show that all three balls are there. The thumb and forefinger of the left hand are now immediately
over the right palm, and, under cover of the hat, the red ball is released from the shell and palmed.
The balls are now disposed of as follows:-One red ball is in the hat, the other is palmed in the right
hand. The red shell is between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand and the white ball is
between the first and second fingers of the same hand.
"Now", says the performer, "I will send the white ball into the hat and take the red out, both in-
visibly". As he says this he slips the white ball into the shell and shows that it has gone. clutching at
the air, he produces the palmed red ball. "So", he continues, "we have here once more the two red
balls", and while placing the red ball, which he has just, apparently, caught in the air, between the
first and second fingers of the left hand, he removes the white ball from the shell and palms it.
Dropping his right hand into the hat, and taking it out again he shows the white ball between the
tips of the fingers. He puts the ball into the hat again. "And now to finish the peregrinations of
these spheres, which I fear may bore you, I shall send the red balls to join the white one in the hat,
one visibly, the other invisibly. See!" Bringing the solid ball behind the shell he commands it to
"go", and to show that it has obeyed, tilts over the hat, in which are seen a white and a red ball.
Taking the remaining ball, which is half covered by the shell, he drops it visibly into the hat, pal-
ming the shell and getting rid of it.
The Changing Billiard Balls
A RED billiard ball is wrapped in a small red silk handkerchief and placed in a goblet, as shown in
Fig. 105.
A green billiard ball is wrapped in a silk handkerchief of its own
color, and that is placed in a second goblet. When the handkerchiefs
are pulled out of the goblets it is found that the balls have changed
places. For this trick three balls are needed, say, two red and one
green, though the audience imagine that two balls only are used. Besi-
des these there are the two handkerchiefs and the goblets. When the
performer begins the trick he has a red ball palmed in his right hand.
Picking up the green silk, he spreads it over the open left hand, which
is held palm upwards. With his right hand the performer picks up the
green ball and apparently puts it in the green handkerchief. In reality
the red ball goes in the handkerchief and the green ball is palmed. This
substitution will not be noticeable if a slight throwing movement is
employed accompanied with a little upward motion of the hand. At
almost the same moment the left hand throws the handkerchief over
the ball, while the right hand in which the green ball is now palmed wraps the handkerchief
around the red ball and puts both in the goblet. The red handkerchief is now spread over the left
hand and the same routine, as used with the first ball, is followed. The palmed red ball is slipped in-
to a pocket or otherwise got out of sight. Of course, when the handkerchiefs are slowly drawn out
of the goblets it will appear as if the balls had changed places.
The Patriotic Billiard Balls
THREE borrowed Derby hats are placed in a row on the table, and in front of each hat are three
balls on a small plate. On one plate there are three red balls, on the second, three white, and on
the third, three blue. They are handed out for examination before beginning the trick, which may
Magician's Tricks: How They are Done
be done without fear, for there is no preparation about them. The performer begins by putting a
red ball into the first hat, a white ball into the second, and a blue ball into the third. This he repeats
twice, and naturally, each hat should contain three balls of one color. Instead of that, such is the
perverseness of the conjuring tribe, each hat contains a red, a white, and a blue ball. And yet it is so
simple, as will be seen if these explanations are carefully followed. Let us call the hats A, B, and C.
1. A red ball is taken up and apparently put in A. The ball, however, is palmed, a filip with
the finger against the inside of the hat giving the impression that the ball was dropped in-
to the hat.
2. With the same hand a white ball is taken up and apparently put into the hat B, but instead,
the red ball goes in and the white is palmed.
3. A blue ball is taken and this is supposed to be put into C, but instead the white ball goes in
and the blue is palmed.
4. A red ball is now supposed to go into A, but the blue takes its place, and the red is palmed.
5. A blue ball is picked up, but palmed and a red is put into C.
6. Another white ball is apparently put into B, but it is palmed and a blue ball is dropped in.
7. A red ball is picked up and put into A, and the palmed white one goes into the hat at the
same time.
8. A white ball is put into B.
9. A blue ball goes into C.
As the hand is empty after the seventh move, the audience ought to be given an opportunity to
see this, without calling attention to it in words. This may be done by simply moving the hats a li-
ttle, as that will show the hands are empty. As there is no palming in moves 8 and 9, the performer
ought to make the most of this, as it will go far to convince the audience that the same procedure
has been followed in every move. When the hats are finally emptied on the plates, it will be found
that in each there is a red, a white, and a blue ball.
The trick requires address, good palming and little else. The following tables will make
everything clear:
1. Red apparently dropped in A, but palmed.
2. White apparently dropped in B, but palmed. Red dropped in.
3. Blue apparently dropped in C, but palmed. White dropped in.
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