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achieved by using the weight and impetus of one's falling body to throw the other man. From
the self-defence point of view, these techniques are not so useful if one is opposed by more than
one opponent as one is left on the floor at the mercy of the other attackers.
Tomoe-nage (stomach throw)
This is the old favourite of the cinema and television screen although it is not usually
done very well. It is also a great favourite of the judomen who specialize in groundwork. In the
judo rules it is not possible to drag a man to the ground without making some attempt at a throw
For the groundwork man this is ideal. He can come with whistling in for this throw and
if he connects well and good: if not he can then try to get his man in one of the many
groundwork techniques. Stand as with the opponent bent right forward. Step in deep with the left
foot as far as possible level or beyond his two feet. As the left leg goes in lift up your right foot
and plant it in his stomach. But it is not always possible to do this. What in practice actually
occurs is that one is dropping to the ground as one puts the right foot in the stomach. As your
back touches the floor straighten the right leg and by pulling strongly with the hands to your own
body turn the man over in the air and drop him on his back to a point past your own head.
What usually happens in the movies is that the hero does this throw and as the villain
goes sailing over he lets go with his hands so that the villain comfortably rolls on his back onto
his feet. The idea of any throw is to drop the man with impetus on his back. With the stomach
throw, hang on tight with the hands so that your partner lands on his back and stays there.
If you miss with this throw a grip is necessary to control the opponent for further
groundwork moves. To get maximum effect with this sacrifice throw, literally throw yourself
down under the opponent. Providing you have got your foot in his stomach he won't collapse on
top of you but will go sailing over the top. Exercise some caution when first attempting this as
it is easy to injure your partner or yourself if done wrongly.
12. Throws - Conclusion
The stomach throw concludes the description of ten basic and important throws. There
are many others, but the ones I have described are perhaps the best known. Most of the throws
I have described are capable of many variations for different types of movements and opponents.
One throw can cover most situations although not all. Try to get in as much throwing practice
as possible with all these ten throws on a non-resisting partner. The faster and harder you throw
the better. Gradually you will find that one or two throws suit your physique. These are the ones
to specialize in. When moving around in free practice (randori), try to create opportunities by
your own movement. Study the pictures of the throws carefully. They will show much more than
can be gleaned from the text.
Sometimes the thrower in these will differ in his position slightly from that of the text.
This is because he has adapted his throw in its actual execution to the defender's resistance.
However much it is necessary to adapt a throw keep its direction much the same. In the next part
I will cover the defence and counter attacks for the previous ten throws.
13. Counter-Throws and Defence
Although the best form of defence is attack it is necessary to know how to defend
properly and to be able to counter-throw. It is possible for the older and slower individual to base
his judo on defence and counter-throws. This, from the spectator's point of view, is boring judo
and in the long run it usually gets beaten. The reason is that when a man realises that his
opponent is purely defensive, it gives him a chance to really 'open up' and not worry about his
own defence too much.
Defence and counter to O-uchi-gari
As in all these leg sweep throws, the thrower will try to get your weight over the leg he
is sweeping. Don't let him. Keep on the move with your feet about shoulder width apart. You
will be able to see with which foot he will attack by watching his grip. If he is a right hander
he will attack your left leg with his right. Against a really good right o-uchi-gari, hold the tip of
the opponent's sleeve with the cloth gathered in until the jacket is tight on the wrist. Then push
the arm off strongly every time he attacks. He will be able to stagger you but will find it very
difficult to complete the throw.
In the counter-throw, let your partner attack and, as he moves his leg forward to hook in,
step back with your left foot and sweep his left leg diagonally across in front of your left foot.
This counter is similar to the de-ashi-barai (foot sweep throw). As you sweep across with your
right leg, pull him down to the ground with your right arm. Note that this counter is against a
left side o-uchi-gari. Reverse legs and grips for right o-uchi-gari.
Defence and counter to Ko-soto-gari
The simplest way to avoid an attack with this throw is to keep your leg back and out of
trouble. However, this will leave you open for another throw so I think, in this case, the best
defence is to try the counter-throw. The counter for ko-soto-gari is uchi-mata. When your
opponent moves to your side and attempts to hook your right leg make a half turn to your left
and balancing on your left leg lift your partner up and over with right uchi-mata.
Defence and counter to O-soto-gari [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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